Privacy Policy

LT Customs Privacy Policy

This privacy policy describes how your personal information is collected, used and shared. The policy applied to you, LT Customs and the website provider.

We believe its important for you to be aware of how we collect your personal data.

Personal information that may be collected

Cookies, data, IP address, time zone, personal information you provide.

When you order we require a name, address, payment information and contact information. These are used for shipping purposes, so order information is vital to fulfil orders placed. This is known as personal information you provide. If you have an account with us, you have the right to have your account deleted and this can be done by requesting an account delete through ourselves.

Cookies, usually known as data files placed on your device, this is to bring you the best experience to websites. They also provide a technology to autheticate users, remember user preferences, determine the popularity of content, measure effectiveness of advertising and analyse site traffic. All websites have cookies and are very common. You may have a pop up when you enter the website asking to allow cookies, this is personal choice. If declined it may reduce the ability to access all parts of the website. Some web brosers will automatically accept, this can be disabled and you can opt-out.

The cookies we use on the website enable you to log in secure area’s of our website, place an order or to view our website. We are very careful with the cookies used and respect your privacy.

Data, we closely follow the guidelines and all data is stored in accordance to GDPR and data protection act 1998 to keep your data safe and protected. We will retain any data you submit and do not share to third parties unless we are obliged or permitted to by law.


We do offer the option for personal accounts, we require passwords for the access of these accounts to help keep your data stored for recurring customers. You are responsible for keeping this password confidential.

Communication clause

We can be contacted through Facebook, Instagram and email. We will collect contact information such as name and email address for the communication process.

Photograph orders

From time to time, we may post photo's of your order, this will only include the item and no personal information. If you wish that we do not post, please get in contact with us.

Changes to the privacy policy

LT Customs reserves the right to review the privacy policy at anytime. This is so we can keep up to date with any changes to law and legislation. We will notify you of any changes to give you the opportunity to review before you continue to use our website.

Contact us

For any futher questions regarding our privacy policy, do not hesistate to contact us. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.